Kidney Stones – How to Prevent Kidney Stones:

Kidney Stone:

You might have been heard about kidney stones and you might wonder how these stones are formed in our body. If yes, then this article is for you to gain information.
These stones are not actual stones but due to their hard & rough nature, they are called so. They can be brown or yellow and occur in both men and women. But the ratio of stone formation is double in men as compared to women.

Kidney Stone Formation:

Kidney stones are usually formed when your urine contains a high level of minerals like calcium, oxalate or uric acid. When in your body too much waste has accumulated and there is not enough fluid in your blood, these waste pile up and stick to form a kidney stone.

If you have kidney stones then you might have one of the following causes.
  1. You may not drink enough water according to your body’s requirements.
  2. Someone in your family might have this issue.
  3. You may have prior exposure to kidney stones.
  4. You are obese.
  5. You may have gone through with the intestinal surgery.
  6. You have any cystic kidney disease.
  7. You are taking certain drugs that contain a high level of calcium or diuretics in nature.

When to See a Doctor?

If you have a smaller stone, it might be pass through urine and you may not have any symptoms. In the case of large kidney stones, you shall face the following symptoms.
  1. Experience some non-comfort or pain while urinating.
  2. Spot blood in your urine.
  3. Have severe pain in your lower abdomen or back.
  4. Vomiting or nausea
If you find any of the aforementioned symptoms you should contact your health care provider.

How to Prevent Kidney Stone:

Do you know one in ten people will have kidney stones once in a lifetime? But by making small changes in your lifestyle and diet you can prevent kidney stones naturally.

1.    Take Plenty of Water:

The most ideal approach which is considered to avoid kidney stones is drinking plenty of water. On the off chance that you don't drink enough, the production of urine will below. Low urination indicates that you have a high concentration of minerals that need more fluid to get dissolve in it.
You should try to drink around eight glasses of water every day, or enough to pass two liters of pee. In case if you exercise or sweat a great deal, or on the off chance that you have a background marked by cystine stones, you'll need extra liquids.
Well, having lemonade or orange juice which contains citrate might be a good option for prevention.

2.    Eat More Calcium & Less Sodium:

Calcium oxalate stone is the most type of stone found in people which may lead us to the concept of eating less calcium, that is not true instead eating low calcium diet enhances your risk to get kidney stones.
Low-fat yogurt or milk, and cheese are a better option to have a calcium-rich diet.
On the other hand, if you have a high concentration of salt in your daily routine then you are at risk of having a kidney stone. The reason is a high level of sodium in your blood does not let the calcium to reabsorb from urine to blood and lead to high urine calcium, which ultimately become the cause of kidney stone.
To reduce salt intake you have to keenly observe your diet. Food items which are notorious for being high salt include:
  • ·         Canned items such as soup or vegetables.
  • ·         Processed food such as chips or crackers.
  • ·         The food contains monosodium, sodium carbonate, or sodium nitrate.
  • ·         Lunchmeat & condiments.

3.    Physical Activities that make you sweat:

Whether due to hot summer or those activities that cause you great sweating such as yoga, saunas, or heavy exercises, might lead you toward dehydration which becomes a cause of kidney stones. Therefore, to be on the safe side make your body hydrated.

4.    Reduce the Consumption of Oxalate- Rich Food:

Some kidney stones are made of oxalate, a characteristic compound found in food supplements that ties with calcium in the urine to form kidney stones. Restricting oxalate-rich nourishments may help keep the stones from shaping.
The food contains a high level of oxalate are;
Chocolate, coffee, spinach, peanut, beets, sweet potatoes, and soy products.

5.    Avoid Animal Protein:

Food that contains a high level of animal protein is acidic in nature and may increase the level of uric acid which may lead to the formation of both types of kidney stones like uric acid and calcium oxalate stones.
You should limit the following items in your diet.
Beef, poultry, fish, and pork.
In some cases just rely on the diet is not sufficient if you are facing recurrent stones you need to talk to your doctor about the medications you should take to prevent kidney stones.

By: Fatima Malik


  1. Thanks for knowledge given also I need your help Fatima but I wish we will discuss it privately not in public


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