Before the coronavirus one thing was there which continuously drains down the immunity of humans and that was stress, yes it is true that stress has been the cause of many diseases that took up the lives of many humans, and still we are in stressed ambiance. Depression and anxiety are somewhat looking the same if talked about symptoms but both originate from the persistent stressed condition.
But the question is that why we feel stressed or go in a stressful condition? The answer is simple that in our daily life we come in contact with many stressors which causes different types of stress which might come from relationship failures, prevailing pandemic, financial crisis, daily bad news about the country's economic condition, loneliness, noise pollution and so more. These all events are stressors and could make your body ill in a way that you will never again think to stand.
Effects of stress are long-lasting if it persists for a longer period, it not only involves your body but also your brain, and we know that brain commands our body, so if something goes wrong with the brain it ultimately affects your body.
Stress is not always negative but sometimes stress would become positive like exam stress, and after taking it we prepared for exams, deadline stress, etc. But deleterious stress is that which imparts a negative effect on the body from your skin to your heart or even the most effected one which is your digestive tract.
In this article, we will discuss the pathophysiology behind all the diseased conditions that begin from the stress and will also check out some ways which could alleviate the stressed condition.
Stress is a phenomenon developed under the signals from any stressor which may lead to the disturbance in mind and body synchronization. An imbalance occurs which leads to some serious diseases and could worsen the signs and symptoms of other pre-existing diseases.
Whenever your brain receives any signal in the form of stressor that drains you in a burst of emotions, stress hormones start releasing and your body experiences some physiological changes.
No matter how long you get into the stressful condition but the time as you get stressed your body undergoes some physiological changes driven by stress hormones. These hormones work in coordination and sometimes alone.
Catecholamine (adrenaline and noradrenaline), Prolactin, Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH), β-endorphin, Growth Hormone (GH), and Cortisol these hormones get the spike in blood serum when the body goes into the stressful event.

Cortisol is the main stress hormone with anti-inflammatory properties that regulate the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines which are responsible for the severe inflammation. The main pathway through which all the disturbance occurs is starting from an increased level of cortisol in the blood. Upon activation of the stress system in brain Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) releases which in turn causes the release of cortisol.
  • High cortisol levels has an inhibitory effect on the release of (GnRH) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, suppresses the production of Gonadal hormones and the ultimate effect of high cortisol will be the increased levels of Androgens in the body which causes infertility, baldness and irregular menstrual cycles in females which eventually leads to the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  •  According to research stress-induced high cortisol level could potentially be the cause of diabetes and also exacerbates the diabetes by lowering the cellular glucose uptake. β-endorphin and GH also promotes the insulin suppression from pancreas
  •  According to survey research, about 85% population of the world gets affected with the Acne in their lifetime. Under stressful condition, the brain releases endorphin, melanocortin, and CRH which binds with the receptors on Sebaceous glands which in turn activates the production of cytokines and these cytokines will cause the formation of Acne
  • Neuropeptide Y, a chemical produces in the brain under stressful conditions has negative effects on the appetite center and reduces the food intake which may lead to weight loss, sometimes.
  • High blood serum cortisol decreases the levels of thyroid hormones, the body becomes more prone to different metabolic syndrome like Visceral Obesity occurs due to the release of triglycerides, increased levels of (LDL) Low-Density Lipoprotein, and insulin resistance. These all collectively impart in the production of more fat cells in the body.
  • Stress also affects digestion by slowing down the process leads to the development of constipation because of staying of food for more time in the intestines. It also disturbs the gut's normal flora.
Stress management is not a hill to climb but it’s just a different way of living, because prevention is better than cure, so by adopting some simple techniques, stress can vanishes from your life as soon as you will, here are some ways listed below which cannot even enhance your well-being but also increases your cognitive power to think even minute things with great positiveness. 

  • Exercising daily strengthens your muscles gives more power to your brain
  • Yoga and meditation improves your critical thinking and calms your mind
  • Do Listen to some slow music with attention
  • Start doing gardening. Because the smell of that plant-soil enhances the release of serotonin which is a happy neurotransmitter release in your brain
  •  Getting involved in home décor effectively drags your mind from stressful thoughts
  • Start writing stressful thoughts, events, and feelings. By doing this you feel very contented that you get rid of your stress for some time.
  • Sleep more, take healthy food and drink a lot of water makes your body free of all negative vibes
  • Start taking more vitamin C, because of its anti-oxidant property its boosts your immunity.
  • Having a pet is something like when no one is there to talk with you,  a pet will be there to listen to you and relieves your stress.
  • Spend more and quality time with your family that brings you more power to fight with your anger and stress.
Now the world is moving towards the more vicious condition which is never seen before and eventually creates an environment of competition among all ages. Everyone will now face the financial problem more than before and this thing ultimately leads to the development of an overall stressful condition.
There is no way out of this stress but your optimistic behavior. The thing we are neglecting is that the one who created us is the best planner of all, who decided the things that everyone will get but at the right time chosen by Him. 


By: Nimrah Maqsood



  1. Yes, it's true. Not just the current situation. If we look out pasts, within our country, it was increasing but due to status, most people don't go for check up. Also, some organizations in Western countries have reduced working hours to reduce work stress. And yes, last year, on 24th May, Burnout has been categorized as disease. Also, the 2017 Nobel Prize of Medicine was for Circadian Rhythm due to overtime work and working late nights.

  2. Very impressive article it help to understand lot of things about street keep going and write more article it very helpful

  3. Good one👌🏻👌🏻keep it up


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