
“Food Is a Medicine of Health”

Scientists are continually trying since the ancient period to make medicines from natural material and used for the treatment of disease. A physician hippocrates who is known as the Father of medicine, said that “let thy food be thy medicine and the medicine be thy food” (Chanda, S, et al., 2019). Stephen DeFelice, founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM), coined a term “nutraceuticals” in 1989.The word nutraceutical is a combination of two words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical” (Kalra, E. K. 2003).

INTRODUCTION:Any substance that is either a part of food or food that provides both health and therapeutic benefits are called nutraceuticals. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of disease without any health effect (Shinde, N, et al., 2014). Nutraceuticals play a vital role in maintaining body health and prevents the body from diseases by provides essential supplements to regulate metabolic functions of the body (Chanda, S, et al., 2019). Some antibiotics don't be effective for a long period because bacteria would build up tolerance against antibiotics. Use such type of medicine that made up of natural materials, which would be not only suitable for body function as well as nutritive and preventative that can help to boost body immune system (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).


Nutraceuticals are classified on the basis of their pharmacological conditions, natural sources, or chemical nature (Ansari, S, et al, 2013)).

I. Traditional Nutraceuticals:
In this class sources are generally taken in natural form without any changes. Some examples are omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon fish, saponins in soy, and an antioxidant “lycopene” in tomatoes are available with different health benefits (Chanda, S, et al., 2019). Furthermore, types of traditional
nutraceuticals are:
i. Chemical constituents:
a) Nutrients:
Nutrients such as fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins can play vital role in several metabolic pathways. Vitamins have several health related benefits as well as very helpful in cure diseases such as kidney, heart, lungs disease etc. Plants products are advantageous to treat several disorders such as in brittle bones disease provides strength to muscles and bones (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).
b) Herbs:
Nutraceuticals made with herbs is best medicine to prevent chronic disease without any side effect. Willow bark (Salix nigra) contains salicin (alcoholic β-glucoside) that act as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and antiarthritic. Another example is peppermint (Mentha piperita) in which several terpenoids (plant chemical compounds) are present; menthol cures flue, and cold. Tannin (complex biomolecule) is very helpful to maintain blood pressure, releasing stress and for lungs related disorder (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).
c) Phytochemicals:
In plants numerous biological active compounds are present and these compounds are phytochemicals. Different benefits are found in phytochemicals such as protect immune system, inflammation reducer, regulate various hormones and promote health. Carotenoid is an example of phytochemicals found in vegetables, help to boost the immune system of body. Palm oil and Legumes (soybeans and chickpeas) consist of non-carotenoids, which help in cholesterol elimination. A secondary metabolite found in plants is flavonoids, which prevent numerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiac and kidney problems by its bioactive components and antioxidant properties (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).

 iii. Nutraceutical enzymes:
Enzymes are protein in structure, act as a biocatalyst to carry out various biochemical reactions. The medical difficulties related to the Gastrointestinal Tract whether gastro esophageal reflux disease, constipation, ulcerative colitis and diarrhea can be cured with several enzyme supplements. Currently, enzyme therapies are frequently used for numerous rare diseases like Pompe disease, Hunter syndrome, and fabry disease (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).

2 Non-Traditional Nutraceuticals:
Non-traditional nutraceuticals are foods, enhanced with biotechnologically designed crops or supplements to enrichment of nutrients. For example broccoli and rice are rich in vitamins and β-carotene. Modified foods are also produce for human. They are organized as follows:
i. Fortified nutraceuticals:
Foods are manufactured from agriculture breeding and extra nutrients also added in it. For example in cereals minerals are added (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).
ii. Recombinant Nutraceuticals:
By the usage of biotechnological tools modify foods are produced. These modified foods have optimum level of nutrients that are very beneficial for human body. Fermented yogurt, cheese, starch, vinegar are the example of recombinant nutraceuticals (Chanda, S, et al., 2019).

o Health value of diet may enhance.
o May helpful to evade specific medical disorders.
o Many psychological benefits occur from doing something for oneself.
o Fewer produce unfriendly side-effects. (Pandey, M, et al., 2010)


The extending market of nutraceutical indicates that consumers are searching for minimally processed food with additional nutritional advantages. Its remarkable development has implications for the agriculture, food, healthcare, and industries. According to many scientists another exciting frontier is represented by the enzyme in nutraceuticals (Pandey, M, et al., 2010).


1. Chanda, S., Tiwari, R. K., Kumar, A., & Singh, K. (2019). Nutraceuticals Inspiring the Current Therapy for Lifestyle Diseases. Advances in Pharmacological

2. Kalra, E. K. (2003). Nutraceutical-definition and introduction. AAPS PharmSci

3. Shinde, N., Bangar, B., Deshmukh, S., Kumbhar. P., (2014). Nutraceuticals: A Review on current status. Research J. Pharm. and Tech.

4. Ansari, S., Chauhan, B., Kalam, N., & Kumar, G. (2013). Current concepts and prospects of herbal nutraceutical: A review. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research

5. Pandey, M., Verma, K. R., Saraf. A. S., (2010). Nutraceuticals: New era of medicine and health. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research

By: Sadia Israr


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