Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

Many people get scared to visit chiropractic due to the crazy videos they have been watched on YouTube; the ridiculous neck cracking compilations or any fake news put the wind-up. But wait, here we will provide you all the information so that you can make an informed decision.

But before we go through the risk associated with chiropractic adjustment, you need to know what exactly the "chiropractic adjustment" means.

What is Chiropractic Adjustment?

The chiropractic adjustment is a therapeutic procedure to treat lower back pain. It is also termed as manual manipulation, spinal manipulation, or chiropractic manipulation. A trained chiropractor endeavors to manipulate certain vertebrate joints that have abnormal movement patterns or not functioning properly. The altered position of vertebra joints, also known as subluxation.

The chiropractic adjustment treatment's primary objective is to reduce the subluxation that eventually helps to enhance the movements and improve functioning. Spinal manipulation plays a role in restoring the mobility to joints restricted by tissue injury, which might be caused by traumatic events.

What does Chiropractic Care Involve?

Well, you will not straight go toward the chiropractic treatment; instead, you first go through the physical examination, medical history session and may go through the lab tests or diagnostic imaging to determine that if this treatment is appropriate for your back pain.

However, you must perform a good search on the internet to find the best chiropractor near me. The chiropractic adjustment is considered a safe and effective treatment for the lower back's acute pain, which is more common than chronic back pain.

Some recent studies also reveal that chiropractic care is also suitable for neck pain and headaches. This treatment should be operated on more carefully if the patient has some serious complications or injuries.

Risk Associated with Chiropractic Adjustment:

Although chiropractic treatment is safe when an experienced and licensed chiropractor handles it, in rare cases still there are some serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustment that may include:

·         The compression in the nerves of the lower spinal column.

·         In case of neck manipulation, you will experience a certain type of stroke.

·         It might worsen the condition of the existing herniation disk.

According to a survey, many people who avail this treatment exclusively report having an improvement in their health and reduced pain despite the minor risks.

When Chiropractic Treatment is not Effective?

In chiropractic manipulation, different techniques are used that include a certain skill level. For instance, only a trained chiropractor will know the amount of pressure, high velocity, and low amplitude adjustment require a specific joint. But more risk is involved in this treatment when you have the following symptoms.

  • ·         Spine Cancer.
  • ·         Elevated risk of stroke.
  • ·         Any abnormality in the upper neck.
  • ·         Face numbness, tingling, or strength loss in your arm or leg.
  • ·         Severe condition of osteoporosis.

Hence, do not seek chiropractic treatment if you have any of them or already take some medications regarding these disorders.


In my opinion, chiropractic adjustment is one of the safest and natural ways to treat compared to other treatments. Only a few numbers of people face the minor side-effects who are underlying the pre-existing health problems. 


By: Fatima Malik


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