HISTORY Salmonella were the famous and foremost of the food poisoning organism for almost the whole of the 20th century. Before 1880s, food poisoning had been described to chemical changes in decomposing food items. From the early 1880s, however it come to be considered as being due to bacterial infection associated with the consumption of animal food like: Beef, pork, and milk also manipulated food items such as pies, cream, cakes and ice cream. In 1900, the salmonellas represented a new and interesting route for medical research of the cause of human illness like: Microbiologist, Epidemiologist, and public health administration. In 21st century a widely greater understand of salmonella’s structure, natural history and relationships had been started. The disease is characterized by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhea and sometimes: muscular weakness, restlessness and dizziness the first source of food poisoning in humans are from the intestinal track of animals ...